
Provisions of the Agreement


General conditions for accessing and using Maserati Techinfo Site

1. Contractual Agreement

1.1 This Agreement ("Agreement") is drawn up between your company or contractual entity, as specified in art. 2.3, ("Customer") and Maserati S.p.A. with head office in Modena Viale Ciro Menotti, 322, VAT no. 08245890010 ("MASERATI").The Customer and MASERATI shall be collectively referred to as "Parties".

2. Subject of the Agreement and scope of application

2.1 The subject of this Agreement is access to the website containing online MASERATI technical information ("Site"), as well as the Technical Information and Services contained therein ("Services") under the condition set out below.

2.2 The meaning of Technical Information shall be understood to be that provided for in art 6 (2) of Regulation 715/2007 EC. In particular, it shall include all information supplied to Authorised Repairers to repair or Service Maserati vehicles that Maserati S.p.A. ("Maserati") or affiliated entities may have launched on the market. Specific examples of Technical Information include software packages, and other parameters together with the relevant updates that are required to restore, reprogram, reset, reinitialize or conduct other work on vehicle electronic control units (ECUs) with the aim of restoring the settings recommended by Maserati, or in the event of replacement, to re-enter the settings; vehicle identification methods; parts catalogues, including the part codes, descriptions, price lists and parts illustrations; technical solutions arising out of practical experience and relating to typical problems concerning a given model or a batch of vehicles; information relating to recall campaigns as well as other information regarding repairs to be carried out by Authorized Maserati dealers at Maserati's expense. Access to the equipment includes access to electronic diagnostic instruments (e.g. the MDEVO or ECU Manager) and other repair instruments, including the related software and their periodic updates, and also after sales Service for these instruments.

2.3 The material on the Site may be consulted on-line by paying by credit card as described in article 4.2.

2.4 Apart from members of the Authorized Dealer network, the Site may only be accessed by companies or entities providing motor vehicle repair and maintenance Services as well as companies that are directly or indirectly involved in vehicle repair and maintenance, particularly independent repairers, manufacturers or repair tools or equipment, independent parts distributors, companies producing technical information, automobile clubs, roadside assistance operators, operators offering MOT test Services and operators offering training for repairers.

2.5 By registering on the Site, the Customer confirms to understand and accepts to the terms and conditions laid down in this Agreement.

3. Registration

3.1 To allow access and use of the Site, Customers must register by completing the registration form that appears on the Site and accepting this Agreement unreservedly after having read it.The registration form shall be compiled fully, truthfully and in good faith. MASERATI reserves the right to suspend access to the Site permanently without notice if the Customer in question provides incomplete or inexact information or is not included amongst the entities set out in art. 2.4 above.

3.2 Registration requires release by the Customer of key information on:personal details, personal contact details - including an e-mail address - and other information required for a successful registration or, where authorized, the sending of marketing information.

3.3 After supplying and validating the requested information, the Customer will wait the approval. The approval of Legal Representative Users will be provided by Maserati,, while the approval of Employees Users will be provided by their Legal Representatives through the functions provided by the website. Only after the approval, the Customer will receive an email with its first password at its e-mail address(only one Username can be created for one e-mail address). Using the function of the website, the User generate a new password in accordance to the instruction provided .

3.4 Information on personal data processing is given in the section: Privacy.

3.5 The Customer is solely and uniquely responsible for his password and his username and also for use of and access to the Site as a result of their use.

3.6 The Customer is solely and uniquely responsible for the personal info filled-in into the registration form.

3.7 Customers shall obtain at their own expense the equipment, software and telecommunication Service(s) required to access the Site and use the Services.The Customer shall immediately notify MASERATI of any unauthorized use of his password and log off the Site immediately in this case.

4. Costs for use of the Site

4.1 Site log-on procedure and duration and the associated prices are set out in detail here.

4.2 Log on for the durations indicated in the above table may be activated directly on the Site by selecting the "BUY on-line" option and paying on-line by CREDIT CARD.

4.3 The BancaSella Web payment system.
Techinfo Maserati uses the BancaSella Web Service for on-line payment of purchased Services.
After browsing the virtual shop and entering all the information in the order form, the Customer will be asked to provide credit card details for payment as follows:
A. The connection will be transferred from the Site directly to a secure BancaSella Web server. The presence of a secure environment will be indicated by a closed padlock or a key in the bottom Browser bar.
B. The system will request confidential information on Customer details and the card number, type and expiry date of the credit card used for payment. Credit card data will be managed and identified solely by BancaSella Web, and MASERATI will not have access to this type of data.
C. The purchase amount will be automatically transferred from the shopping cart to BancaSella Web, calculating any taxes, where applicable.
D. BancaSella Web will use the information obtained to make a POS transaction via the interbank system, obtaining a payment confirmation or rejection in response. If the system validates the payment, the Customer will be charged for an amount equivalent to the purchase. Otherwise the transaction cannot continue unless another payment method is used.
E. When payment is confirmed, the Customer will receive an order summary email and payment receipt confirmation and will be provided with the identification data required to activate the Service.
F. When the operation is complete, the BancaSella Web system will disconnect and the Customer will return automatically to the Techinfo Maserati Site.

For more information, consult the website

4.4 The log on duration shall start from the log on activation date and time, irrespective of the registration date. For example, if a registered Customer logs on for one day at 10:18, the session will expire at 10:18 on the day after, local time, regardless of the effective consultation and/or connection time. It is therefore the Customer's responsibility to determine whether the lump sums indicated in the table are appropriate to his needs with regard to the nature of the Information Requested and the agreed term for their consultation.

5. Site access

5.1 Access to the Site is possible at all times, except in exceptional circumstances. It is specifically agreed that MASERATI may interrupt, limit, suspend, totally or partly ban access to the Site or Services to carry out maintenance or update Services or to resolve technical problems with the server, networks, or software, or in the event of breach of contract by an outside Service provider. MASERATI may also amend, add, or suspend one of the Services at any time and notify Customers accordingly in this event.

5.2 The Customer shall nevertheless acknowledge that the public nature of the Internet pr events MASERATI from ensuring that: i) Customers can gain access to the Site or one of its Services at any time, ii) the access will not be interrupted under any circumstances and, iii) the access will be free of errors.

5.3 The Customer acknowledge that neither MASERATI nor its suppliers are responsible for or bound to pay compensation for damages as a result of the interruption, suspension, amendment, or abandonment of the Site or one of its Services.

6. Intellectual property rights

6.1 All texts, drawings, images, graphics, and other material on the Site are covered by the intellectual property rights of Maserati, its associated or affiliated companies and its licensees. MASERATI, its associated or affiliated companies hold all rights relating to the selection, organization and management of Site material.

6.2 All the registered trademarks shown on the Site are subject to property rights in the name of Maserati or of its associated or affiliated companies.The unauthorized use of any registered trademark displayed on this Site is absolutely forbidden.

6.3 The Site, including all its material, is protected internationally by the laws applicable from time to time on intellectual property rights and rules for their use whether or not a declaration on the said rights covering the materials is present on the Site. The Customer undertakes to respect all international intellectual property right laws relating to the Site and its use and not to make and to prevent the unauthorized reproduction of material.

7. Guarantees, liability, and limited liability

7.1 The Customer undertakes to respect the provisions of this Agreement, all standards governing activities on the Site and the use of the Services and Technical Information and also all the in-house and international laws in force and applicable to the Customer's activities on the Site, directly or via third Parties.

7.2 The Customer undertakes above all:
- not to use the Site, illegal or unauthorized manner;
- not to use the Site, and the Services in breach of current laws on intellectual property, the applicable rules and specifications laid down by MASERATI;
- not to use the Site in a manner that will disturb or prevent or hinder access to other Customers;
- not to remove, conceal or damage a copyright declaration, brandname or property right declarations added to or contained in the Site and its Services;
- not to allow the unauthorized disclosure or reproduction or copy of part of the Site or of the information and documentation obtained therefrom;
- not to authorize access to the Site or any of its content, or their use, by means of or for the benefit of a third Party;
- not to create frames using information elements obtained by means of the Services or referring to them on other websites;
- to assume responsibility for the security and/or use of his username and password and not to reveal them to others;
- to use the Site under the terms of this Agreement.

7.3 MASERATI may take all necessary or appropriate measures over the use of the Site and its Services by the Customer, taking into account the circumstances.In particular, MASERATI may interrupt, limit, suspend and fully or partly prevent access to the Site or the Services without any notice or compensation if the Customer behaves incorrectly or carries out actions forbidden by current laws or standards or by this Agreement.

7.4 MASERATI shall not be responsible for direct or indirect damage caused to the Customer or a third Party following the use or management by the Customer the Technical Information and Services contained in the Site. The Customer shall compensate and guarantee MASERATI against any action, payment or damage compensation request arising out of or relating to an action or omission by the Customer or arising out of or relating to the use of the Site, or the Services.

7.5 MASERATI makes the Site available solely for the purposes of information. It is the responsibility of the Customer, as an expert in the repair or servicing of MASERATI vehicles, to verify the appropriateness and accuracy of information downloaded from the Site or from the CDs/FlashDrives and the manner in which this information is used. Maserati does not guarantee that the information accessible through this Site or any function or material they contain is free of defects or errors.

7.6 MASERATI cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for repair and maintenance operations carried out on its vehicles by the Customer or by third Parties using the Technical Information and/or the Services offered by the Site, because full responsibility lies only with the effective executors.

8. Agreement duration

8.1 The duration of this Agreement is indefinite. The Customer may withdraw from this Agreement at any time by means of a written notification to be sent to MASERATI by means of signed-for registered mail.

8.2 The Parties may wind up the Agreement at any time following breach of obligations arising out of the Agreement by one Party.

9. Audit rights

9.1 MASERATI is entitled to carry out periodic auditing of the use of the Site by the Customer under the terms of the confidentiality clauses in this Agreement, to ensure that the Customer respects this Agreement.

10. Site update

10.1 MASERATI reserves the right to amend or update the Site access methods at any time. It is the Customer's responsibility to be aware of the amendments and updates and he shall therefore consult the Site regularly to determine the conditions to be applied.

11. General provisions

11.1 Transfer
The Customer may not transfer any rights or obligations that it has entered into under the terms of this Agreement without prior written authorization from MASERATI.

11.2 Waiving of a right
The fact that one party does not assert or delays to assert a right, a power or a privilege recognized in these contractual conditions cannot be interpreted as a waiver of this right, power or privilege.Waiver of a right is effective only if it is established by a written document signed by the affected party.

11.3 Notifications
All notifications pertaining to these Contractual Conditions must be sent by mail or fax and confirmed by means of registered mail with advice of receipt.

11.4 Independence of provisions
The total or partial invalidity or inapplicability of one of the provisions in this Agreement shall not determine the invalidity or inapplicability of the other provisions with regard to laws and standards currently in force.

11.5 Force Majeure
In addition to the causes of force majeure normally recognized by the law applied in Italian courts and tribunals, this agreement specifically includes strikes internal or external to the company, bad weather, government and legal restrictions and amendments to marketing methods, computer faults and telecommunications blocks, deterioration of MASERATI servers and any other circumstances independent of the wishes expressed by MASERATI. Occurrence of a case of force majeure shall initially suspend the execution of these contractual conditions by law. If, after a period of 3 months, MASERATI and the Customer determine the persistence of the case of force majeure, this agreement shall be automatically terminated by law unless a different agreement is drawn up between MASERATI and the Customer.

12. Applicable Law - jurisdiction

12.1 The provisions of this Agreement are subject to Italian law and are interpreted and enforced pursuant thereto. Any dispute arising under this Agreement and / or of the use of this website is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts of Modena.
The contract documents are written in Italian. This language takes precedence over all translations in other languages.

13. Maserati Diagnosi EVO tool purchasing, use regulation and purchase of licenses Maserati Diagnosi / Maserati Diagnosi EVO

13.1 click here for Maserati Diagnosi EVO purchasing and use regulation. Only Authorized Maserati Dealers are entitled to sell the system, and solely in European Union, the USA and Canada and Australia in compliance with applicable law and regulations.

13.2 click here for Maserati Diagnosi / Maserati Diagnosi EVO purchase of licenses.

13.3 click here 2022 new Help Desk.

14. ECU Software Programming and other operations, Purchasing and Usage.

14.1 According to requirements of 2007/715, 2008/692 on Euro 5 vehicles, and following 2011/566, 2018/0858, 2021/1244, Maserati S.p.A provides Independent Operators with two working options.

14.1.1 First option
To use "Maserati Diagnosi / Maserati Diagnosi EVO" tool for Independent Operators, that provides the same functionalities of the "Maserati Diagnosi / Maserati Diagnosi EVO" tool for Official Dealers.
Independent Operator needs:
- to purchase "Maserati Diagnosi EVO" tool for Independent Operators
- to purchase ECU Software Programming Services on demand.
Programming Services are available for purchase singularly or in packages (see site section Purchase Credits).

14.1.2 Second option
To use a generic PC together with a standard VCI interface.
Independent Operator needs:
- to purchase the standard VCI interface
- to purchase every operation / ECU Software Programming Service on demand.
- to connect to TechInfo website

14.1.3 Services for vehicle M139 and M145 can be purchased only one by one (see site section Purchase ECU Programming) view list

14.1.4 Services for vehicle M156, M157, M161, M240 and M182 can be purchased only one by one (see site section Purchase ECU Programming) view list

14.1.5 Prices of ECU Software Programming and other operations.
Due to the different used technologies, the prices of the two options are different.

14.2 Protocols and ECU

14.2.1 When using "Maserati Diagnosi or Maserati Diagnosi EVO" for Independent Operators, the tool automatically manages the programming software protocol choice and activate other operations.

14.2.2 When using generic PC together with a standard VCI interface, for the vehicle M139 and M145 the operator needs to manually select the right protocol (ISO 22900 or SAE J2534).
- To use SAJ2534 to program Software into ECM, TCMR e TCMA.
- To use ISO22900 to program Software on all ECU and to activate other operations.

14.2.3 When using generic PC together with a standard VCI interface, you must follow the minimum requirements:

M139 Quattroporte 7 1-9 6-14 - -
M145 GranTurismo
M156 Quattroporte - 3-11 6-14 - -
M157 Ghibli
M161 Levante
M240 MC20 - 3-11 6-14 12-13 -
M182 Grecale - - - - 6-14
M189 GranTurismo

14.2.4 Glossary: view list


15.1 In accordance with Directive 2019/621 EU, in order to facilitate the periodic roadworthiness testing of motor vehicles technical information necessary for the control of the elements has been collected and is contained within this site. To access the information you must proceed to the account creation request.

16. Consultation and Download of invoices

16.1. Invoices produced as a result of purchases on the site are available for consultation and download in the "consultation invoices" section available after personal login

17. Implementing Regulation(EU) 2021/1244

17.1. In compliance with Directive 2021/1244 EU and its requirements, to access vehicle security related information, the User needs to first carry out a SERMI certification process with a CAB (Conformity Assessment Body) and then he needs to be in possession of the Certification Technology provided by Digidentity in order to demonstrate his SERMI certification. In this case, the User can then request to enable his Maserati Techinfo account to Security functions. Once this request has been set and approved:
- every time the User requires to execute a Security function with MDEVO (or ECU MANAGER), the MDEVO (or ECU MANAGER) requires him to carry out the run-time verification procedure to verify his certification through Digidentity technology;
- every time the User requires to order a Protected Part of M139 or M145 from an Authorized Maserati Dealership, the Authorized Maserati Dealership requires him to carry out the run-time verification procedure to verify his SERMI certification through Digidentity technology;
Please consult 2021/1244 EU, SERMI and Digidentity related websites for all documentation on SERMI certification process.

17.1.1 To manage the lack of CAB availability in all the countries, on 3rd July 2023, SERMI introduced the “Gradual / Staged implementation of SERMI”:
- the SERMI introduction date has been delayed from 30th July 2023 to 1st October 2023;
- the list of mandatory countries starting from October 1st is limited to Sweden only;
- the list of mandatory countries will be updated every 2 months according to CABs availabilities;
- in other countries access to Security information will follow the manual approval process. Please consult to stay updated on SERMI requirement

17.2. In compliance with EU 2021/1244 and ISO18541, the following features will apply to the management of the users, and to allow the transition the creation of users will be temporarily blocked starting from 3rd July 2023 till 17th July 2023.

Legal Representative / Employee feature – see ISO18541 – All existing Users created before 3rd July 2023 will be set as Legal Representative. All new User created after 17th July 2023 could set themselves as Legal Representative or Employee complying with ISO 18541 requirements. Legal Representatives will have to manage / approve Employees of their Company. Username selection (Nickname) feature – see ISO18541 – All existing Users created before 3rd July 2023 will keep their Username as Nickname. All new User created after 17th July 2023 could set their Nickname complying with the specific rules (unicity, minimum complexity).

18. Implementing “Guidelines for Competition in the South African Automotive Aftermarket” Regulation 10 December 2020

18.1 South African Regulation Requirements are satisfied applying the EU regulation (without SERMI), so SOUTH AFRICA has been simply added to the list of countries of the EUROPE region to allow South African Independent Operators to work as an European Independent Operator.

© Maserati 2015